The two Templars were preparing to execute the Assassins when an explosion caught them by surprise, giving Shaun and Rebecca an opportunity to escape via a Leap of Faith. You'll discover some information about your father, but that's about it. Norse sagas have recorded Finnic peoples, but very little contact. Layla then returned to the Animus to synchronize with the remainder of Kassandra's memories. From this work, she learned of the Spartan misthios Kassandra who had wielded an Isu weapon, the Spear of Leonidas. [12], Kassandra passing the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus to Layla, Once Layla had the necessary knowledge to open the city, she realigned the mirrors reflecting the light beam and the city was opened. This was the last time Kiyoshi worked with Layla. Thanks to their trick, Berg was now sure that for the foreseeable future, the Sanctum would stay impervious to the fact that the Black Cross was one of their own. Odyssey felt very slow until it picked up against with Alexios against his sister which is . Berg and da Costa suggested that the Ankh was merely an Assassin ploy to waste the Templars' time searching for a fake Piece of Eden. [17], Berg put the investigation on hold as the Templar Order could afford the patience and to save resources until new evidence presented itself. Berg and the Assassins were later able to enter the lab after Jasdip was executed with a bullet to the head by a sniper rifle, while the Instruments were destroyed with an RPG by Arend and Kiyoshi. Each one of the packets included a small clip of video that, when coupled together, formed an Isu memory that showed nine members of the Isu uploading their DNA to the human gene pool using an odd device, intending to reincarnate themselves in the future. Yet, everytime, even when clicking "remember me" on Uplay, it keeps logging me into my second acc, and everytime I have to unlog and relog into my main acc to play odyssey . Hathaway accused the Templar Order of heresy, causing tension among all the members, and then presented his research. Species Once saved, youll be able to play through new activities to reveal the Undiscovered Sage from the Worshippers of the Bloodline branch and will earn a piece of Immortal Legendary armour. The quest is found in the south of Kythera Island in the Skendeia Bay region. Eventually, however, Layla's frustration at the perceived lack of respect from her colleagues convinced her to act outside of the company protocol and attempt to "prove herself" by undertaking the mission to sequence Bayek's genetic memories, alone, save for Deanna on the other end of a phone. After noticing Basim's absence, she encountered "the Reader". On site, Otso was perplexed as to why a small unidentified army appeared to be defending an Abstergo archive against the Assassins. [25], Berg was briefly able to get the upper hand in his fight against Voronina, breaking her Hidden Blades, and forcing her on the defensive. Finnish is one of three Uralic languages and not Germanic. Layla Hassan (1984 2020) was a member of the Assassins and former employee of Abstergo Industries. He was later inducted into the Inner Sanctum of the Templar Order and became the director of Abstergo Medical. Political information [6], On 16 November, Berg was sent to New York City by Laetitia England, in order to investigate a cyber-security breach related to artifacts that Abstergo was tracking, one of which was located in a Manhattan penthouse. Berg also incorporated a set of Abstergo Skunkworks division prototype military goggles as well. Uncertain of her team's status, Layla went to unlock the Seal, realizing that the three words Phidias had repeated when Alexios assaulted him were the password. Take a look at it and the quest will end. Voronina was forced to eliminate the team and retreat, leaving Berg alive. Ethnic Finns lived in tribes throughout Finland, Estonia and Northwestern Russia from Western Siberia. Refusing to reveal his identity or to bow down to them, the Black Cross affirmed his independence and informed the Sanctum that the Order has been infiltrated by a fifth column. [3], Layla's refusal to check in with Abstergo led to the company deploying Sigma Team to find her and Deanna. Berg asked Laetitia for Violet da Costa to rejoin Sigma Team, but she negated his demand, saying that da Costa was busy updating Abstergo Entertainment's security and firewalls because of the recent problems with Erudito, the Assassins and the Instruments of the First Will. At first, they made fun of his muddled accent, but the jokes quickly stopped as Berg proved himself to be an exceptional recruit, becoming one of the youngest Special Jaegers in the Utti Jaeger Regiment. [4], On 28 October, Berg had interested his superiors within Abstergo with his training in the Animus, enough to be promoted within the ranks of the Templar Order. [32], To prepare for his role as the new Black Cross, a role Berg viewed as a cutting from the Assassin Brotherhood grafted to the Templar Order, the Templar decided to study the lives of prominent Assassins such as Altar Ibn-La'Ahad,[33] Ezio Auditore da Firenze,[34] Edward Kenway,[35] and Ratonhnhak:ton. He later contacted Andr, requesting him to keep watch on lvaro Gramtica's laboratory and inform him if they were preparing to resurrect an ancient deity in a cloned body. He also seemed to have a great partnership if not friendship with Andr Bolden both being former soldiers, so much so that Andr was the only person he trusted to keep his identity as the Black Cross a secret and help him in his investigations. Through a transceiver from one of the deceased operatives, Layla helplessly listened in on Sigma Team as they stormed Deanna's hotel room and eliminated her. [41], Back at the Assassins hideout, Berg offered to help the Assassins with their research and findings which they rejected, believing that he will not find anything at all. With the artifact now in the Instrument's possession, Berg and the Assassins looked to locate Gramtica's lab to destroy the body meant for Juno's ressurection. Affiliations [32], Later, after Andre emerged from the Animus after witnessing the Assassins recovering the diamond in the past, Otso once again met him at the bar. Caitlin explained to Berg that there was a lot of violence in that stream, which made him realize that Graff was in a torture chamber. If you're anything like me, being a poison master is one of the most fun ways to play Assassin's Creed, but Odyssey really leans into the poison damage feature.This allows you to stack your poison gear, making it nearly impossible for enemies to escape your venomous grips. Dhami warned Berg to stop his investigation or else he would risk his daughter's life, before throwing Berg over a guard rail. Otso Berg revealed that he and the Templars had been tracking Layla ever since she found the Lost Histories of Herodotos. Berg and the Assassins attempted to stop him, but were prevented by a number of mortal bombarments by the Instruments. Theres a timer pressuring you to make your choice, and youll have to do it fast. Some of the historical figures in Odyssey are minor characters that hire the misthios for small tasks, but others have a major impact on the game's storyline. Like switching to secondary weapon, no fall damage and jump stun. [10] Afterwards, he called for backup and was given command of Abstergo's paramilitary force Sigma Team, before leading the Templar assault on 30 November. [41], Berg proposed that the group who attacked Charlotte in Hong Kong and the group that attacked him were the same group of people, being led by Dhami himself. In the meantime, he convinced Andr to once more enter the Animus to further explore the memories of van der Graff. At last, Kassandra passed the staff on to Layla and immediately lost her immortality and expired Layla held her in her arms as she died. Delian League Cultists. [2], However, around 2010, he opted to become a mercenary, believing the pay would be better than that of the Jaeger's Juhani needed the money to afford cystic fibrosis treatments for his newborn daughter, Elina. Database entries [22], Berg told Laetitia that Sigma Team would have stopped the attack if it was still operational. [8] Layla soon discovered that they had started working on a Portable version of the Animus models, information that was hidden from her. [9], On 28 November 2012, after an attack on the Abstergo campus by the Assassin Harlan Cunningham killed four Abstergo hackers and destroyed servers, Berg tailed Cunningham on the regional road SR2 in Italy. [24], He put great emphasis on the completion of his missions as evidenced by his ordering of Violet to escape with the Shroud, while he distracted the Assassins;[25] however, he did not act solely based on orders alone, displaying a sense of flexibility in the field that resulted in him being scolded by his superiors. Locating any modern descendants of Bolden would take time, and Berg expressed that they should look into other matters in the mean time. Who Uses This Site? [45], Later on, Jasdip was able to capture Charlotte and take possession of the artifact. The Eyes of Kosmos. Move them as on the screen above to get to the next room. Maybe you can avoid my mistake . This was from a collaborative crossover with Assassin's Creed and the Final Fantasy series, particularly Final Fantasy XV. [27], Ten days later, Hathaway interrupted a meeting by the Inner Sanctum and asked to present his case or face the consequences for having stolen the Sword of Eden, damaged Abstergo property and deleted the memories of his ancestor and shared classified information with Anaya Chodary and Victoria Bibeau; Berg and lvaro Gramtica were alerted so they could once more attend. Honestly, out of all the decisions a player can make in Assassins Creed: Odyssey, this one might have the longest-lasting effects. Fortunately, Berg managed to pull Andr to cover just in time and subsequently jumped inside the vehicle and eliminated its occupants. As Layla tried to negotiate with Berg by using the Staff to help his daughter Elina, Otso Berg interrupted and threatened her to hand over the Staff. Hunting for the Instruments and the Staff, The Fate of Atlantis: Judgment of Atlantis, Louis-Joseph Gaultier, Chevalier de la Vrendrye, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. The Black Cross barely gets to the nearby window before the entire building exploded, and jumped into the river below. Being stuck in the cavern due to a sandstorm, Layla screamed in frustration and vowed to complete her mission and bring down the organization. As you progress through these quests youll get clues on who is the real Diona. Berg also handed her the Templar pin that had belonged to Albert Bolden, instructing her to give it to Andr, as Berg himself was too busy cleaning up the mess caused by the drive-by shooting. [31], At the lab, Berg was approached by Violet and Freddy. Once you have collected all three symbols, you will return to the simulation, but with locked controls. His abilities are similar to those of a high-ranking Assassin, allowing him to hunt down even the strongest Assassins like William Miles. Biographical information There's at least one choice in Assassin's Creed Odyssey that I wish I hadn't made, where I wish I'd gone down a different path. Head to the big door to find it locked. [23] Returning to the premises, any trace of Dr. Kazui had to be wiped clean. By the end of that year, she relented on her stance and became a member of the Assassins, befriending several members, including Charlotte de la Cruz, Arend Schut-Cunningham, and Harlan Cunningham. Things went sideways when they were confronted by Abstergo, but Kiyoshi's past as a yakuza helped him save Layla from danger. [38], Having survived the blast in Berlin which claimed the lives of 170 persons, Otso Berg returned to his flat to find Andre waiting for him. It is the eleventh major installment in the Assassin's Creed series and the successor to 2017's Assassin's Creed Origins. [52] However, he was eventually freed and was brought to an Abstergo facility in Tokyo, Japan. From there, Berg called his superiors and convinced them to allow him to follow the Assassin back to his base, instead of killing Harlan. Upon exiting the Animus, Layla heard Aletheia's voice coming from the Staff, instructing her to identify the three symbols to unlock the Great Seal to Atlantis. She also disliked surprises and objects that seemed to work by magic, Growing up, Layla began showing a penchant for rule-breaking and she disliked the regimented nature of formal schooling, due to having an unpleasant experience of being punished for playing by the rules. She even met them backstage after a gig of theirs at the Madison Square Garden in 2000. He has a high tolerance of pain, as he did not even flinch when he had a throwing knife thrown through his hand, simply yanking it out and immediately beginning a hand to hand fight. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. However, Haek was concerned that Juhani's daughter could be a weakness. Affiliations Assassin's Creed Odyssey is an action role-playing video game developed by Ubisoft Quebec and published by Ubisoft. [25], In 2015, Juhani and Violet were assigned to aid Isabelle Ardant in her search for the Shroud of Eden. You can help the Assassin's Creed Wiki by uploading better images on this page. However, he did possess a strong determination when fighting against the Assassins, and even a streak of cruelty, shown through his desire to see their mind and spirit broken, before allowing them to die by his hands. [24], With Berg's use of the video with Shay's memories as a faint, Berg caused the Assassins to empty a few safehouses, shut down a few servers, put up some new firewalls and flushed out the Assassins' man in Montreal almost instantly. [36], By February 2017, Berg had fully embraced his role of Black Cross; accomplishing his official duties during the day while anonymously rooting out corruption from the Order by night with the help of Andr Bolden. Youll then get to choose which one of the sisters you should attack. [38], Once in Germany, Berg followed Heinrich Hart, the Abstergo engineer who created the goggles and witnessed his interrogation by Galina Voronina and Arend Schut Cunningham, the Assassins seeking answers over their losses in Hong Kong over the intel given by Hart. Realizing that Kassandra's associate, Phidias, knew the meaning of these symbols, Layla relived the memories of Kassandra's brother Deimos, who was responsible for the sculptor's murder, despite the dangerous effects on her mind, at which Bibeau was forced to remotely pull her out. One such situation occurred during the mission in Cairo, as William Miles posed as a tour guide to a group of students once he had arrived. With his father's blessing, Juhani returned to Finland to join the army. Using her Animus, Layla was able to relive the memories of the Norse warrior, Eivor Varinsdottir. [7] In February 2014, Layla made a suggestion to Sophia about the designs and functions of the Animus that would be sent to the Aerie facility. There, she found Basim Ibn Ishaq, Loki's incarnation, and successfully slowed the machine down to return the planet to its normal state, but unknowingly released the former Hidden One. However due to the Assassin attack on the Abstergo Foundation in October 2016, all contact with Sofia stopped. Juhani Otso Berg (born 1985) is a former member of the Finnish Special Forces and a high-ranking agent of the Operations Division of Abstergo Industries, as well as the leader of Sigma Team. Died Popular Books. Eventually they were able to succeed and escape the facility with Dr. Kazui. 2. Assassin's Creed Odyssey Guide by, Last update: Wednesday, December 28, 2022. Juhani resented the accusation, explaining that causing unnecessary chaos would have allowed Miles to slip away. Putting the Ankh behind them, Berg continued his search for other Pieces of Eden. [14], Having successfully unlocked Atlantis, Layla entered the room, where she was greeted by Aletheia and joined by Victoria, who was concerned about her friend's wellbeing. He was skilled enough to subdue Daniel Cross, another Master Templar, originally trained by the Assassins, and took charge of the mission to capture William Miles in Cairo. In doing so, Layla regained communications with Alannah and her team, informing her of what had transpired and requested the team to pick her up from the vault. Copyright 2000 - 2023 GRY-Online S.A. for, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. [21], In October, Berg spoke with Laetitia about an attack led by Gavin Banks that occurred in the Abstergo Laboratory dedicated to the research of the Sage John Standish in Paris, which ended in the destruction of the lab. Once you have collected all the symbols, you will complete this quest. Charlotte was later freed when Miguel, one of the assigned protectors of the Koh-i-Noor, attacked Jasdip through the fire. You have to complete three support quests: Agamemnon's Symbol, Eteokles's Symbol and Orion's Symbol. After Andr's session was finished, Berg informed Violet that, although they still did not have enough, they could not make Andr come back by force. In 2016, he took on the mantle of the Black Cross, believing the position had become necessary once more. This article is in need of more images and/or better quality pictures in order to achieve a higher status. That year, the Templars had managed to locate a descendant of Albert Bolden, a 72 year old Vietnam veteran named Andr Bolden, and brought him to their Philadelphia facility under the pretext of wishing to cure his PTSD. This choice cost him his marriage, when his wife, Helmi, disapproving of his new mercenary life, asked for divorce. Juhani is a Finnish cognate of the Hebrew name Yochanan, meaning "God is merciful". However, instead of being afraid by the Cross, the Assassin mole revealed that he had left a trail on purpose for Berg to follow, and that it was about time he arrived. Assisted by Bolden, who was acting as a tech support, the Black Cross discovered evidences that both high tech Templar equipment and Assassin weaponry were used by the mysterious men who butchered the Assassins. After the car crashed, Berg got out of it and told Andr that they had to go. After a fight that saw Layla defeating Berg, Berg was impaled in his back by Layla with the Staff's tip which left him paraplegic. Please update the article to reflect recent releases and then remove this template once done. Juhani possessed immense endurance managing to kill five highly trained Instruments of the First Will with his bare hands while critically injured. However, Bolden revealed to the dumbfounded Templar that despite the appearances, his ancestor fooled the Assassins and kept the artifact. Berg and Sorkin followed the Assassins to La Rochelle, where the Assassins escaped via the ships that were waiting for them. In AC Odyssey, Astra was a Boeotian woman and cousin of Deianeira, one of the Champions of Boeotia and she is also one of the members of Heroes. Following the presentation, Berg came to Hathaway's defense; in the end, Hathaway was not charged with anything for his actions as Rikkin and his cronies were relegated to the minority. Subscribe now: Me & Get Special. The biggest news of the day airdropped to your inbox. [3] When Juhani defied orders when capturing William Miles, Laetitia England later accused him of avoiding conflict in order to protect the young civilians, as they reminded him of his daughter. She then proceeded to impale Berg's back with the Staff, rendering him immobile. When Andr asked him what to do about the restaurant, Berg told him not to worry, as they owned it. Through Abstergo's experimentation with a Staff of Eden and his knowledge of Hermes' Staff, Berg was able to regain use of his legs. 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