volunteer opportunities, rallies, mission trips and programs. Each opportunity focuses on a different impact area within JFS - from older adults to refugees to families living in their cars. Our goal is to work towards the successful inclusion of our participants into the greater community through the development of social skills and to improve the quality and length of their lives. Vancouver, BC. Nonprofits, schools and non-U.S. NGOs are all welcome to submit a call for volunteers, as well as government organizations and other tax-exempt organizations. Toronto, ON M2R 3V2, 416.635.2883 "Delivering meals for Circle of Care to those less fortunate, provides me with the pleasure of doing something good for others a good way to give back to the community., The Downtown Jewish Community School aims to provide a basis for Jewish identity in a pluralistic community. I am a proud Jewish leader on the York University campus!, Jewish Family & Child supports the healthy development of individuals, children, families, and communities through prevention, protection, counselling, education and advocacy services, within the context of Jewish values. ", At TanenbaumCHAT we challenge, support and prepare students to live lives of high moral character, intellectual curiosity, Jewish commitment and civic duty. Search here to find a volunteer opportunity that fits with you and your family. 119276723RR0001, Programs and Services for Holocaust Survivors, Our Partner Agencies, Programs and Departments, Ontario Jewish Archives, Blankenstein Family Heritage Centre, Julia and Henry Koschitzky Centre for Jewish Education, Sarah and Chaim Neuberger - Holocaust Education Centre, Assistant Director of Operations and Communications, Assistant Director of Programming and Outreach, Community Care Coordinator (Seasonal Mental Health Professional), Manager, Community Mobilization & Volunteerism. 108155797RR0002 United Jewish Appeal of Greater Toronto, Reg. We foster commitment to Judaism through the mitzvah of worship (Tfillah), study (Limud) and good deeds (Gmilut Chasadim). All Rights Reserved. beithalochem.ca, Volunteering at Beit Halochem gives me the opportunity to meet courageous Israeli veterans and civilians, as well as other volunteers. Start with your local volunteer centre. Especially during uncertain times, CJP is focused on the health and well-being of our entire community. So go . jnf.ca, I visited Israel several years ago for the first time and this beautiful land touched my heart. ORTs mandate has been to help people help themselves by providing Education for Life. Thank you JVS for changing lives. Volunteer can sign up to assist with the soup kitchen, pantry, or distributing social services to the organization's guests. Hands on Volunteering Opportunities Hands-on volunteering opportunities in the Toronto Jewish community Volunteers are vital to our community. When a woman gives there is often a personal connection to the particular organization they are contributing to. I do a great job and it makes me happy., The Miles Nadal JCC is a dynamic hub in downtown Toronto. Sunday Respite Volunteer. If you are interested in any of the opportunites below, simply contact Andrea Pines, Volunteer Coordinator to discuss your interests. naamat.com, I am proud to volunteer for Naamat because I believe in the work we do for women and children in Israel as well as for the local Community., OneFamilyFund provides direct financial, legal and emotional support to the thousands of victims of terror in Israel on a daily basis. This incredible institution not only teaches the Torah and sets a high standard for moral values, but is inclusive and accepting of all people and opinions, and makes me feel good by allowing me to help other and make a difference., We are a landmark congregation dedicated to being a Community Destination for Jewish Living. A rich, colourful history and warm embrace await you in the heart of the city of Toronto. Includes a focus on Individualized Support Planning and assisting participants to work towards their . betelcentre.org, I began volunteering with the Bernard Betel Centre because I had a lot of free time. 119276723RR0001, Programs and Services for Holocaust Survivors, Our Partner Agencies, Programs and Departments, Ontario Jewish Archives, Blankenstein Family Heritage Centre, Julia and Henry Koschitzky Centre for Jewish Education, Sarah and Chaim Neuberger - Holocaust Education Centre, Harold Lederman Award for Philanthropic Leadership, Phil Granovsky Award for Campaign Excellence, Gordy Wolfe Award for Jewish Communal Professional Leadership, circleofcare.com/helping-you-at-home/supportive-housing/, http://en.beitissie.org.il/international/canada. I reap the rewards of the time I invest., The United Jewish Peoples Order maintains and perpetuates a progressive secular perspective on social and cultural matters, our Jewish heritage and Yiddish language and culture. The Corporation is committed to providing an environment that fosters a positive Jewish identity, and opportunities which facilitate the concept of aging in place. Check out the Current Volunteer Opportunities. Either the organization has touched them personally or someone close to them. KeepingKidsJewish.com, As a lifelong Young Judaean myself, volunteering my time to this unique youth movement is a no-brainer. Our team is guided by our vision of inspiring you to live the Jewish life you want to live! The Daily Bread Food Bank This Toronto food bank has switched from inviting people to come in and shop for items to providing food. beby.org/kadima-centre.html, I love to volunteer for Kadima Centre because it is very challenging and I love working with exceptionalities. Volunteer. Yiddish18@yahoo.com, I learned to speak Yiddish on my parents knee, and I believe we must perpetuate it for the future generations., A leading Canadian Reform Jewish congregation with a rich history of responding to both tradition and modernity in our religious and spiritual expression, Holy Blossom Temple pursues meaningful opportunities for personal growth and family fulfillment at every stage of life through belonging, learning, prayer and ritual, and acts of service for our congregation and community, our city and country, the Reform Movement, Israel, and all the world. Looking back, we could not have asked for more., Devoted to religious, spiritual, educational and social enrichment, Shaar Shalom Synagogue is committed to strengthening Jewish identities, connections to Israel and to one another based on the tenets of traditional Conservative values. All Youngstown Area Jewish Federation agencies have volunteer opportunities available throughout the year. Queens, NY, 11374. All available Volunteer positions for the 2022 Festival have been filled. At this time our Volunteer program is suspended until Spring of 2021. 119276723RR0001, Programs and Services for Holocaust Survivors, Our Partner Agencies, Programs and Departments, Ontario Jewish Archives, Blankenstein Family Heritage Centre, Julia and Henry Koschitzky Centre for Jewish Education, Sarah and Chaim Neuberger - Holocaust Education Centre. beitrayim.org, I have been an active volunteer at Beit Rayim Synagogue for fifteen years. info@jewishtoronto.com, CHARITABLE REGISTRATION NUMBERS: Over 20,000 people came out last year to show their solidarity with the people of Israel, supported by over 350 volunteers. shaareitefillah.com, Shaarei Tefillah is my family. Sarah Neuman/Westchester: Eric Dietz - 914.864.5141; EDietz@jewishhome.org. Volunteer opportunities benefit our seniors, and we're always open to new ideas If you are interested in volunteering in any of our programs or have other ideas for great programs, please contact us. By volunteering at a UJA Telethon, you are making Jewish life happen in this community. We seek to empower members within the community while inspiring values of Tikkun Olam, leadership and respect. A desire to help with the Jewish Federation goals; an interest in devoting a few hours a week and maintain confidentiality in all positions. National Council of Jewish Women of Canada, Toronto (NCJWC Toronto) is a non-profit organization committed to enhancing the lives of individuals within our own community and the broader multi-cultural . Volunteer Toronto Over 100 virtual positions currently available. NAZUN Our traditions compel us to devote ourselves to helping others in need, while pursuing wisdom through educational attainment and scientific inquiry. I volunteer so that others may have the same opportunity., Canadian Friends of Tel Aviv University is a non-profit organization that provides financial support to Tel Aviv University through fundraising in Canada. info@jewishtoronto.com, CHARITABLE REGISTRATION NUMBERS: rhacademy.ca, I have been honoured to work with teachers, administrators and fellow board members at RHA, where my children learned to see the world through a Jewish lens. The THS is the best spot to volunteer if you are an animal lover. No Benefits. We discover and translate scientific breakthroughs, develop practical health solutions, educate clinical and scientific leaders and lead efforts to eliminate health inequities. Commitment - Volunteer your time once or every week its your choice. I believe that the future of our Jewish community is dependent on TanenbaumCHAT graduating as many young people as possible and giving them a sense of Jewish identity and responsibility., Tiferes Bais Yaakov seeks to help our students internalize the joy and excitement of a Torah-true way of life, and seeks to instill a deep-rooted understanding of Torah values in each of our students. . Our shul operates on a strong commitment at the grassroots level, and our membership spans from grandparents to young families, from those raised within the Orthodox tradition to those newer to our tradition. aotoronto.org, "Alpha Omega represents everything that is important to me as a Jewish dentist organizing social and educational events with family and friends, advanced education in dentistry, and giving back through volunteering as an orthodontist and fundraiser. hillelontario.org, Hillel has provided me with incredible opportunities to grow as an individual and to build and strengthen my Jewish identity and connection to Israel. Our inter-generational community is a key to building a progressive/left Jewish voice. jvstoronto.org, Serving as Treasurer and Board member of JVS Toronto for the past five years has been an enriching and rewarding experience for me, both personally and professionally. maccabicanada.com, "I am passionate about the work that Maccabi Canada does and a very strong believer in the development of youth through sports. The Jewish Board volunteers range in age from teens to seniors and come from diverse cultures, faiths, races, and economic backgrounds. Your most valuable gift is your time! circleofcare.com/helping-you-at-home/supportive-housing/, However small impact my involvement has, it is gratifying to know that my knowledge and experience enable me to contribute to the community by ensuring that Habayit Shelanu is being run safely and efficiently., Jewish Addiction Community Services agency is dedicated to supporting individuals and families that struggle with addiction and to educate the greater community about the resources available to deal with this issue. Search here to find a volunteer opportunity that fits with you and your family. Volunteer Opportunities. Family Resource Center Drop-in Assistant: Help with drop-in activities for families and young children such as arts & crafts, music and playtime at the Family Resource Center. mnjcc.org, I may give of my time at the Miles Nadal JCCs Active 55+ programs, however, the rewards are greater friendship, sense of belonging, caring staff.its a good place to be; you can count on me., NCSY Canada is dedicated to ensuring the future of the Jewish people. At Second Harvest, the health and safety of our staff, volunteers, communities and supporters are of paramount importance. My volunteerism has encompassed various tasks and committees. Learn all about the many wonderful things we do and meet many of the people we help. Jewish Volunteer Connection is your portal to engage and connect with our diverse community, lending a hand to those who need it most and fulfilling the mitzvah of Tikkun Olam. veahavta.org, Our van volunteers provide our homeless clients with food, clothes and conversation; Veahavta Street Academy offers participants a pathway to a better life through education these efforts towards repairing the world are examples of why I volunteer with Veahavta., Dedicated to fostering an increased awareness of Yiddish and Jewish culture through the arts, biennial festival and an expanding slate of year-round programming, Ashkenaz Foundation showcases the work of leading contemporary artists from Canada and around the world working in music, film, theatre, dance, literature, craft, and visual arts. Sbe.ca, Volunteering in my capacities with fundraising, ritual and membership committees, kiddush coordination and as gabbai with our multitalented Rabbi Stephen Wise at Shaarei-Beth El Synagogue has been an absolute rewarding pleasure. Demonstrate the value your organization places on volunteerism. chw.ca/toronto, My inspiration to volunteer with the dedicated women of CHW continually grows as I see the impacts of our fundraising efforts enhance and improve the lives of so many people in Israel., A non-profit umbrella organization organized and operated by members of Torontos Jewish-Moroccan community, CJMT seeks to preserve the customs and culture of the rich Judeo-Moroccan heritage through organized annual events, and serves as a liaison to the Government of Canada, Morocco and Israel. asicanada.org, Maintaining Jewish independence rests on the shoulders of the men and women of the Israel Defense Forces. Sinai Health System delivers exceptional care in hospital, community, and home, focusing on the health conditions with greatest impact on the overall health of the population. Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto, Reg. Search by City to find opportunities in Etobicoke, Toronto, North York, East York, or Scarborough. Please check back at that time for opportunities to join. The Toronto Humane Society has over 500 onsite volunteers who work in roles such as dog walking, cat enrichment, kitten feeding, special species enrichment, administrative support, special events, fundraising and more. Some programs may have a minimum age requirement or further conditions, while others are more flexible. Therefore, all donations fulfill the needs of our development areas: development and security, water management, forestry and environment, education, tourism and recreation, and research and development. 2022-10-17 Volunteer Toronto Receives Funding to Rehabilitate Volunteer Recruitment and Engagement . No matter your area of expertise or the . Rooted in Jewish values, the MNJCC is open to all. It's a privilege to support them and to be part of their team., Kadima Centre is continuing education for adults with exceptionalities. UJA Telethons raise over $1 million every year, supporting innovative programs and services that are helping the Jewish people grow and thrive. ", Beit Halochem Canada is devoted to helping over 51,000 Israeli disabled war veterans, victims of terror and their families. TRAVEL Learn all about the many wonderful things we do and meet many of the people we help. Ncjwctoronto.org, "My time at NCJWC, Toronto has been inspirational, from the people that I volunteer with, to the work that we do. Search by "position type" and selecting "Volunteer from Home". Family to Family: Partner up with new immigrant families to help integrate them into society. baycrest.org, "We volunteer at Baycrest and Freeman Day Centre creative art programs. We expected the worst and we got the opposite. Commitment - Tuesdays from 10am 12pm. It promotes a free choice of Jewish experience and opportunity to learn about Judaism in a fun, affordable, experiential and personalized environment. bnaibrith.ca, It was meant to be when I heard about the opportunity to volunteer for seniors program at Bnai Brith. commitment - Generally 2-3 hours per week. TanenbaumCHAT provides not only a rigorous academic experience but a community rooted in Judaism and spirit that cannot be achieved elsewhere. Volunteering in Israel engagement allows me to share my love of Israel and makes it relevant to my community., The Association of Jewish Seniors draws together seniors, organizations and clubs to educate and increase awareness about health, social, economic and recreational issues affecting the well-being and lifestyles of seniors with the Greater Toronto community. cfimonline.org, The Israel Museum is a beacon of arts and culture. As a small shul, Ayin L'Tzion depends upon its volunteers for its day to day operations as well as for special projects and allows for individuals to contribute in creative ways that are suited to their interests and abilities. torahhigh.org, I am driven by speaking with students and getting to know a little more about their world and what inspires them. Through its network of over 250 social service and educational programs, Emunah provides care for over 8,000 children in 135 day care centres and nurseries, and educates more than 2,000 girls in 6 vocation and high schools. 119276723RR0001, Programs and Services for Holocaust Survivors, Our Partner Agencies, Programs and Departments, Ontario Jewish Archives, Blankenstein Family Heritage Centre, Julia and Henry Koschitzky Centre for Jewish Education, Sarah and Chaim Neuberger - Holocaust Education Centre. Dash & Splash 5K The Jewish holiday packages, including apples and honey for Rosh Hashana, Menorah kits for Chanukah, Mishloach Manot for Purim, and . The Jewish Board offers singular and ongoing volunteer events in all five boroughs. campgeorge.org, I started volunteering at URJ Camp George so that I could see my kids in action at camp. Reena.org, Volunteering for Reena is an uplifting experience that inspires personal growth and provides me with a sense of accomplishment. 119276723RR0001, Programs and Services for Holocaust Survivors, Our Partner Agencies, Programs and Departments, Ontario Jewish Archives, Blankenstein Family Heritage Centre, Julia and Henry Koschitzky Centre for Jewish Education, Sarah and Chaim Neuberger - Holocaust Education Centre. I volunteer at The House because I have seen the effect these connections make on young Jewish professionals and how it affects their Jewish identity, which ultimately strengthens our entire Jewish Community., URJ Camp George is a Reform Jewish camp that nurtures Jewish Identify, knowledge and values through a fun and immersive summer camp experience that transforms lives, building community with and beyond its borders. The ideal individual is a critical thinker who can build bridges with diverse populations and create meaningful relationships with organizations and individuals with diverse religious, ethnic, academic and socioeconomic backgrounds. ", Emunah is a social service agency which provides sustenance, education and family counseling to needy and at-risk children and families in Israel. For those of you in Toronto, if you're from 25-40, here is a fabulous volunteering opportunity - on Sunday, March 14th. As a JVS Toronto volunteer, you greatly contribute to jobseekers reaching their potential, employers building the workforce they need to be successful, and students performing at their best. Considering the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and as part of our continued efforts to maintain a safe workplace, Second Harvest requires that all employees and regular/long-term, onsite volunteers be fully vaccinated with a vaccine approved by Health Canada. Volunteer Experience. We are privileged to have formed special friendships with clients. See how you can help fulfill our mission. Thank you for the camaraderie, spirit, and inspiration - my life is so much richer because of it., Committed to providing an exemplary Jewish and General education to children from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8 from diverse Jewish backgrounds, Bialik fosters a strong Jewish identity and connection to Israel and the Jewish people, that embraces the values of our Labour Zionist roots in a warm and nurturing environment. The Volunteer Opportunities listed below are ways for you, as members, to both help JGS Toronto and increase your involvement with the Society: Cemetery Project: Photograph headstones, translate inscriptions in order to update our database for JewishGen's Jewish Online Worldwide Burial Registry (JOWBR). Volunteering with Seattle Hadassah is a great way to meet new people, connect with old friends, give back, support Hadassah hospital, and stay on top of what's happening in our lively local community of Jewish women. Deliveries begin at 9am and last about 2 hours, but timing is relatively flexible. darcheinoam.ca, I volunteer because I feel that it is a fun, fulfilling, uplifting, satisfying, engaging and meaningful experience that I enjoy tremendously!, Friends of Yiddish promotes the authentic and artistic expression of Mameloshn and Yiddish culture by offering and co-sponsoring concerts, lectures, films, Freylekhs, conversation groups, outreach, and scholarships with communitywide frayndshaft. Shalom Austin strives to create accessible and meaningful volunteer experiences for all ages and interests that are rooted in tikkun olam (repairing the world), a central tenet of Judaism. 108155797RR0002 United Jewish Appeal of Greater Toronto, Reg. Doing good is what Jewish for Good is all about. Music is a universal language and a bridge between cultures that can nourish understanding of one another. It provides an inclusive, welcoming Jewish education for my daughter. 274A Addington Road #4, Cloyne ON, Jewish Family and Child Service of Greater Toronto tanenbaumchat.org, I volunteer at TanenbaumCHAT because I believe in the importance of Jewish education and I think the program TanenbaumCHAT offers to teenagers, both academically and co-curricularly, is fantastic. UJA Federation of Greater Toronto We are no longer accepting applications for the 2023 year. Sign up and we'll be in touch with volunteering opportunities. As a President of the Parent Teacher Council (PTC), I have seen first-hand the wonderful work that takes place when administrators, teachers and parents come together to enrich the lives of students., The Bernard Betel Centre is committed to empowering seniors to lead active, creative and healthy lifestyles in a Jewish environment. Participate in programs and celebrations enriching resident life. Please email us at volunteer@jbfcs.org so we can recognize your hard work. Learn more Thank you to our Walk and Run supporters! CIJA builds and nurtures relationships with leaders in government, media, academia, civil society and other faith and ethnic communities to ensure greater understanding of the issues that impact the Jewish community, as well as combats antisemitism and discrimination in all its forms and advocates for fundamental rights and freedoms, social justice, and support for the people of Israel. The opportunities to contribute and develop wonderful friends have made Beth David my second home., Bnai Brith mandate is to bring Canadian Jewry of all ages and backgrounds together by promoting human rights throughout the world, advocating for the security of the State of Israel and Jewish communities worldwide and providing local services through volunteer activities, cultivation of leadership and charitable work focusing on seniors and the less fortunate. In doing so, I contribute to something bigger than myself in a meaningful way., Temple Emanu-El is a Reform congregation committed to perpetuating Judaism through worship and study. We will never be able to repayZareinufor what they have done for us and we volunteer our time so that many other families will have what we had. OneFamilyFund.ca, I am passionate about the work OneFamily does to help victims of terror. Feed It Forward rescues and diverts over 12,000 lbs a day from local Toronto food retailers and manufacturers. Our campers and staff build Jewish identity, a love of nature, positive relationships, life skills, and independence. ashkenaz.ca, My love of Yiddish culture and klezmer music drew me to the Ashkenaz Foundation. Ve'ahavta Volunteer Opportunities - Ve'ahavta Volunteer Opportunities Help Us Make Change Happen Every year, 1000+ people give their time and energy to Ve'ahavta. Want a volunteer opportunity custom-designed for your group? Its amazing to work with different kids and teach them how to walk. Learn more, UJA is in a unique position to tap into OVER 100 beneficiary agencies, partners and programs to both create and manage meaningful opportunities for young adult engagement, create custom opportunities and respond to immediate needs in the community. 119276723RR0001. Familiarity with the Toronto Jewish community and/or experience in Jewish communal service is considered an asset; This is a maternity leave contract position (approx. JVC works to infuse each volunteer experience with . zareinu.org. Our vision is to create a community where people with mental illness, through stable supportive housing, are encouraged and allowed to fully develop their individuality, as well as their capacity to organize their lives and pursue their aspirations, without being compromised by stigma or prejudice. JumpStart Volunteer as an employment mentor or carry out informational interviews to help new immigrants connect to the Canadian labour market. How volunteering became outreach for millennials distanced from the Jewish community: New website centralizes Jewish volunteer opportunities : Meet the refugees who sought sanctuary with Jewish volunteers: Rank and File: 40 Young Immigrants Arrive in Israel, Ready to Serve in the Army : Rank and File: Volunteering Is Good for Your Health, Says ESRA Help make UJAs great work happen. As Webmaster and A/V point person, I am honoured to support this wonderful community; there is no doubt that I get back far more than I give., The House inspires Jewish young adults (ages 22-35) through dynamic and creative programming, fostering a deepening appreciation of Jewish wisdom, values, and traditions by highlighting their relevance for navigating lifes important decisions and everyday life. Estimated at $24.9K-$31.5K a year. In Class Tutor: Provide in-class support to youth at the Jerome D. Diamond Adolescent Centre, under supervision of a TDSB teacher. There is endless potential to forge additional engagement partnerships, as we grow forward. Torah High has provided me with endless opportunities to do what I love showing others the beauty of Torah., Veahavta is a Jewish charitable social service organization dedicated to promoting positive change in the lives of people of faiths who are marginalized by poverty. 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Ottolenghi Tomato Salad Ginger, Golden Ears Bridge Directions, Articles J