There is a technical reason why this feature is not making a lot of progress: We are using the Electron framework as cross platform UI framework which is based on Chrome underneath. I'm not sure why this feature never gets progressed as it has massive support and given code is electron app it's perfectly doable and degradable if you ever ran outside of electron. We only need 88 more votes to make it to the top 10. Multiple monitors are still _really_ helpful because they increase available screen real estate. It has to be one of the most requested features, and there is literally no communication from the vscode team acknowledging when or if they ever plan to do anything. Perhaps VSCode is just so awesome people sometimes assume its commercial :-), @patrys this is the top voted issue and I'm sure you know that, but yes, you're right, this won't magically be fixed, it needs time and effort, and people (as @Aetherall said) seems to think this is commercial software (it started as a nice request but now it seems like a strong exigency). very beginning. when an editor tab is dragged outside the app: create a new window without activity & status bar, with the file and its current (unsaved) buffer (if applicable), close the editor tab in the original window. That would require the VSCode team to publicly discuss a plan for implementing this highly requested functionality. I just want to be able to move the terminal and debug console to where ever it bugs me the least. Nice to see others wanting the same. I've tried to check what we could do with floating windows in VSC. Not really. I can't get it to work (on 1.11.0-Insider). Big oversight on Microsoft's account. I suggest floating windows option for: This way we could take advantage of large screen space and / or multi monitors. VS Code's terminal renders some of the Powerline symbols without needing to configure a font, but if more glyphs are desired, configure a Powerline font with the font family setting. There might not be a clean or clear way of doing it across all platforms. All possible in something like Web Storm, but not VS Code. I think this issue should be frozen / restricted until someone can actually work on it (from VSCode team). Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. Version 1.74 is now available! An easier solution to implement (?) Why? Unfortunately it does not close the older tab which is expected for the floating window idea. You are receiving this because you commented. in the comments won't help much. How is it supposed to work? How can I navigate back to the last cursor position in Visual Studio Code? The currently integrated terminal docked to the panel right now but this usage is narrowing the editor window and it is difficult to examine logs on the terminal. When on Linux VMs, browsers that don't support WebGL, or machines with outdated drivers, WebGL may not work properly. Would be nice to have similar to PyCharm/CLion. "Ctrl + K then O" Yes on the small scale of an application it may be as easy as this To be honest I am often using VS Code by opening files and not folders. Otherwise I'm probably not the best person to ask. I only see this feature possible when we find a way to create windows that share the same memory to the "main" window so that this operation is lightweight. Prevents people from focusing on other, more important food. This is a feature, not design choice. @Krzysztof-Cieslak By the same token, Chrome shouldn't support popping a tab out into a new window. Still waiting for this after I switched to Code from Visual Studio :( For now, my only solution is to minimize the application and stretch it manually to fit my monitors. +1. Hope it didn't come across that way. There should be an additional UI for "+1 to this feature" if the issue thread is considered a feature request. I stated the same thing everyone else did in supporting this feature. But at this point, the more than one year activity of this issue speaks for itself. Tabs are not my priority. VsCode is a great IDE, but the lack of this feature in 2018 when we all have multiple monitors is just embarrassing. Yeah, I'd say this feature falls firmly in the "Happy coding" category. I am sure the demand suddenly came into existence "last December". 800 upvotes now! Imagine: You get in a taxi and tell the driver your destination. I'm trying to move off JetBeans and this isn't an optional or nice-to-have feature. If you really want VSCode featured in multiple windows, why not try to fork and make it possible by yourself? I've just found this project which allow use BrowserWindow without specific HTML file., Support: Specifically editor tabs. Webstorm/Phpstorm both have this feature, and it is really the main thing that I like about those apps. I can't stand integrated "search" panel, because it is always huge and wide. This would work as long as the windows remain in sync and any code changes/debug messages etc are immediately updated across all window instances. I'm a bit disappointed that it was never a design consideration from the After that we should be able to control child from parent via webContents. I've been recently looking into ultra wide monitors and with the new screen real estate I'd want to utilize it for maximum productivity. nvm (Node Version Manager) users often see this error for the first time inside VS Code's integrated terminal: This is mostly a macOS problem and does not happen in external terminals. @inarius Sure, although that has been discussed above already (see my "20% effort/80% benefit" comment). Please give some responses to the current state of that feature. to give an example: you start a debug session in one window but the other window shows the debug console, of course both windows need to talk to the same debug backend, allow multiple windows to point to the same project directory, add internal API option to open an "editor only" window (i.e. A workaround in the mean time is to open two windows, open a parent folder and a child folder of the same project. VSCode - Open terminals in a separate window powershell visual-studio-code terminal 18,420 Solution 1 Move terminals between windows It's now possible to move terminals between windows by detaching via Terminal: Detach Session in one and attaching to another with Terminal: Attach to Session. If this is distracting the animation can be disabled with: When the terminal's bell is triggered, a yellow bell icon is briefly shown. All I can see is bunch of folks happy to +1 some random feature with huge design implications (and bunch of hate for anyone having different opinion). This is an OSS. This approach would be greatly appreciated in VS Code. @mlewand this is no area where we expect a PR due to technical limitations. @Nyconing VS Does not run on linux or mac. Realistically this is my only problem with VS code at the moment. 1.) Besides actions will be taken to reduce system resources drain but refraining from adding new features such as this based on the age old belief that "most users won't know how to turn it off so it's on by default upon install, the software could be really slow on various computers and it will make us look bad" is the worse possible argument given for the lack of implementation because this would imply that your target user base is less technologically enclined than most. I think there is a possibility to implement something like this. Because a new windows, probably mean VSCode provider need to support it because the context isn't as simple with one window etc. (To vote, add a "thumbs up" reaction to the top comment. Not being able to do so kind of defeats the purpose of having multiple monitors. Navigate between terminals in a group by focusing the previous pane, (Windows, Linux Alt+Left), or the next pane, (Windows, Linux Alt+Right). IMO, this is not what happens when you open two browsers and drag and drop tabs between them? Over 14 months and still dead silence? No no don't you run away when you are proven wrong! Hes a core VSCode team member. They will get back to us when there is a further update. You could then open any tabs you need in this new window, or if you just want to have the debug console here you can maximise it to fill the window. Quite often with the full Visual Studio I'd drag out a tab to my other monitor so that I could view two code files at once. @bpasero - being lightweight for this feature is not that essential - it would be very helpful already if two vscode instances are synced and I can simply edit a file on the main screen and see the problems panel or terminals on the second screen update immediately. Thanks! +1 Agreed, would love to be able to drag out my tabs into their own windows. +1. Thanks!, @Trevinlc1997 You've paid nothing for it. My best guess is that it's difficult for them to create a new windows with the tab and have the tab keep it's state because of electron. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. // Mark as the default build task so cmd/ctrl+shift+b will create them, // The name that shows up in terminal tab, // Mark as a background task to avoid the spinner animation on the terminal tab, nvm is not compatible with the npm config, `nvm use --delete-prefix v8.9.1 --silent`, npm -> ../lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js, npx -> ../lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npx-cli.js, rm /usr/local/bin/npm /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js, rm /usr/local/bin/npx /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npx-cli.js, cat > ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict, "terminal.integrated.minimumContrastRatio", Configure IntelliSense for cross-compiling. Start with the technical and worthy discussion then. It can be disabled with: Background on why this is the default is explained in vscode#146406. @nguyenlamlll I suggest you read through Any estimates when VS code could be capable to do this? I would say most of people here misses the point: VS code is not an IDE it's an code editor. That's why it is my default for a small screen (i.e. I want it to work exactly like the Chrome browser. Do you have a reference that says it is supposed to be implemented in 1.11? Use "Ctrl K, O" to open the current file in a different vscode window for editing. Not just that, I am not sure how much else will be affected. Hi everyone, I was thinking of making a VSCode extension and I was wondering if the extension API allows extensions to create overlays like the command palette in VSCode (the one that pops up when you do Ctrl + Shift + P). This is done by configuring your shell outside VS Code, typically by modifying the $PS1 variable, setting a $PROMPT_COMMAND or installing a plugin. This is a serious deficiency with VSCode as an editor. laptop, as it manages real estate in brilliant way) and platforms other than Windows. You can open your terminal in a few ways. This is very important. So? You can learn more about configuring terminal shells in the terminal profiles article. File links: These are links that we have verified represent files on the system. Chrome has a model where each window get's its own isolated context, e.g. Currently I'm developing a game where you can practice and apply your programming skills to automate all kinds of machinery in challenging environments. It provides integration with the editor to support features like links and error detection. Otherwise we would end up opening a heavy browser window with own context that contains only the UI pieces we want to show, which seems like the wrong direction. You get your project on both windows. There's a lot to to love about VS Code, but the one significant missing feature for me is the lack of floating editor-tab-only windows (like I've gotten used to having in Visual Studio). Right now I have to open a new VSCode and manually reopen the file. In every IntelliJ product, every view has a cog icon which has following options: Without this feature, developers get in the following cycle which takes at least 20% of developer's time! Having the option to open the two versions in two windows would be a real saver. To get this behavior in VS Code, add this custom keybinding: One of our accessibility features we enable by default is to ensure a minimum contrast ratio of at least 4.5 is met for the foreground text. Open your project folder Frameless window from Electron can be a cool solution implemented, but in core. We all know the limitations of the platform, we try to give relevance to the topic so Microsoft team gives importance to the issue. The currently integrated terminal docked to the panel right now but this usage is narrowing the editor window and it is difficult to examine logs on the terminal. Read about the new features and fixes from November. For example, you might see a big multi-colored triangle instead of text. Yet you don't have an offline uninstaller for an 8GB installer! Otherwise, this thread will become kinda flooded. You can create something that's similar, by using a WebView instance, which creates an absolutely positioned div within that page. Now add the repo root folder into that new window/instance (because this is now effectively a new workspace) Now you have two windows using the same workspace on two monitors. Sometimes, We want to change the default Windows Powershell terminal. Hi, I saw someone requesting the same for markdown windows not using that, but shouldn't be too difficult to achieve with the same solution, right? These ANSI colors are determined by the active color theme, but they can also be configured independently from the theme with the workbench.colorCustomizations setting. What if the following features could be added: @RoyTinker I think it can be even simpler. @tavuntu The problem with commenting simply with +1 makes useless clutter and spams people who watches this issue with a useless notification. Like others who mentioned it in this thread, multi-monitor coding kinda requires detachables. I'm trying to help with that using data from the past. That status update is enough for me. VSCode is a complex program, they cannot patch functionnalities on the core, or it would became a nightmare to maintain and improve ( just clone the repo to see what the hell is happening inside the beast ), My guesses (I may be wrong): What is the best way to show one file (with unit test) on the left monitor and the second file on the right monitor? In this article, you will learn about how to create a file with any file type extension in vs code using a terminal with commands. ), A thumbup for this. Open the command palette using Ctrl + Shift + P. Type - Select Default Shell. My current VS Community Edition setup: That said, I don't know if I'd find it useful. I see editor tabs as more important than the others. Sign in I think about great deal of developers have more than one monitor and using them effectively is a big win for productivity. So can Ctrl-Click on one monitor, and see corresponding code on another. @bpasero I suspect there's a possible 80/20 (% benefit/effort) intermediate target that wouldn't involve several of the complexities you mentioned. All windows where you can navigate your project or edit code are equal. I want to be able to open files into a new window (for example to put on a different monitor or a different virtual workspace). I'm starting to need this more as the projects get bigger. I'm not so fluent when it comes to VSC code, but it seems that all application is running as "monolith app". To use terminals in the editor area, there are several options: Create via the Create Terminal in Editor Area command. Also, if it proves to have this effect on workstations, have the opportunity to turn this feature off entirely. The problem here is that none of the finds work properly as it doesn't have any information about the actual "workspace" it came from. This behavior is baffling to me. While I express as much enthusiasm as anyone here about the prospect of multi-window, I am happy to wait as long as it takes. I see editor tabs as more important than the others. Please stop suggesting "Duplicate workspace". All you gave people was your claim, and they gave theirs., @s952163 This confusion between tab movement versus detachable windows is exactly why I do NOT support detachable tabs. Sounds great? to perform the same as Ctrl+C. "Ctrl + K then O" One of the reason i still use Eclipse over VS code. I think i will look down on these people, This is a serious deficiency with VSCode as an editor. I have 2 monitors, an old PC s754 8GiB DDR2 and this lightweight engineering wouldnt benefit much my setup, neither newer more powerful machines. However the fact that there isn't any indication of activity on this request is just ridiculous at this point. @napalm684 Good point, nevertheless I think this is not a problem in Electron (, but with VSCode architecture itself ( eg. or mute the thread We do not host any of the videos or images on our servers. Having it all crammed in a single space is really irritating. Additionally, adding socket communication to editor/panel tabs would take a lot of work -- if I'm not mistaken, many internal APIs would have to be updated to be async/promise-based instead of synchronous, which would be a sizable effort. This is not a feature I'd prioritize, and in fact, I think it goes against the design and intent (see "Since it came out, code hasn't had multiple monitor support, and I assumed that choice was made intentionally.") Then I came and found this thread :-(. All rights belong to their respective owners. How to change the default terminal profile in Visual Studio Code I don't see any reasonable discussion around possible implications of the different ways of implementing such feature. Could someone point me in the right directions . I also just found issue #8171 seems to be exactly what I want. It's possible to open additional BrowserWindow instance but it require HTML file on load. Please stop suggesting "Duplicate workspace". This works by simulating arrow keystrokes, which may not work reliably for some shells or programs. I will look for solution for some simple FloatingWindow API and will share with you here if I create something interesting on my fork. @patrys "you are free to contribute a pull request that implements at least some of the required changes to get this working". It cripples the experience and productivity of daily work. Isn't the "Duplicate Workspace in New Window" command added to the command pallette a couple of versions ago a better option? Would love to have it implemented. If there is an option to float the terminal, then both editor view has more space and it could be good to examine logs on the terminal. @Aetherall and others, please read further up the thread. This feature can be configured or disabled to get the original colors with: The terminal features three different renderers, each of which have different trade offs: GPU acceleration driven by the WebGL renderer is enabled in the terminal by default. Links are keyboard accessible through several commands that open links based on the type of link. I understand the fact that there are technical complexities to implement this feature. The Terminal: Set Fixed Dimensions command allows changing the number of columns and rows that the terminal and it's backing psuedoterminal uses. I do find it odd that although this is now two years old and the most wished for and discussed feature here, this is still being completely ignored by the developers. ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP. Everybody clap your hands for @mrmos and his solution. You can search for existing issues here. I totally need and support this feature! Anyway, I'm out. They are also putting out a new grid feature. Some statuses involve animation. Or maybe it's already possible using Cmd-K o? Ah, I read originally @n9 this was an electron problem. The topic is no longer about what we want or why, but how we can implement it, so let's try to keep the conversation positive and focussed on how to help implement this feature. I hit this limitation a couple of times a day, it's a pretty big missing feature for me. Chiming in with what others have said -- Not being able to dock the various panels is a bit of a deal breaker for me as well. it doesnt ship with everything you need to develop and ship software at a large scale not even close. This feature request recently celebrated it's second birthday. Trolling / name calling / arguing gets us nowhere. -- My typical setup has me opening code files on the first two of my screens, and having a control panel of all the useful "status" panels docked on the third screen. On a proper workstation I use Visual Studio. I hope this feature be the max priority. This would also allow me to better manage and work whilst on the move where I'd only have my main screen available to work from, like on a train or at customer sites. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Thanks VSCode Team (and whoever worked on this). Anyway, I have 2 monitors and I still consider to buy the third one. It shouldn't be misused as a general webbrowser or media tool or something like that. Also from main workspace window we as developers could create a bridge service, that would listen from child duplicated workspaces events, and main workspace window could interact with that. So kind of defeats the purpose of having multiple monitors are still _really_ helpful because increase... N'T be misused as a general webbrowser or media tool or something like this manually the! And paste this URL into your RSS reader it all crammed in a few ways it! 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